Namaste 🙏
I'm Vedant Lahane
Software Engineer (Frontend) and Learner
A Computer Engineer graduate, currently engineering my 'Next Vacation'. You know what they say (or don't say): 'Once an engineer, always an engineer'. So far its been a journey filled with frontend development, where I've developed an unconditional love for z-indexes – they simply drive me crazy! I'm known for my sangfroid nature and an innate curiosity about random things - How are UPI payments so quick? I'm a regular at the gym, but it's my cat who ends up getting all the protein. On most weekends, you'll find me touching grass - playing football. One thing I'm particularly proud of? The pictures I click on trips with any group invariably become their profile pictures, if not their wallpapers. But, to be honest, it's never the other way around for me.
In summary, I'm a Computer Engineer, Travel enthusiast, Frontend Developer, Calm & Curious soul, Gym devotee, Ailurophile, Football head, and a Noob iPhone XR photographer.
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